The trouble with winter in England is not that it's cold (compared to New York it's positively balmy) but that it's dull, drizzly and depressing. Shortly after Christmas there was a bit of snow which as usual completely paralysed the rail network, but since then it's just been drab and grey as usual.
In spite of the gloom I've managed to get creative again. Picked up a quarter-finished story and ran with it until it was half-finished and then posted that half - don't hold your breath for the second...
...and then started a new story which I don't have much to say about it yet except that I'm quite happy with the way the writing is coming along. I've included some fairly highbrow prose, and I flatter myself that my choice of words is very carefully thought out. Wouldn't know it from reading this, would you?
Meanwhile my male-male serial story Ketrin is still crawling along. For those of you who haven't read it, imagine what would happen if Mowgli (the original naked Mowgli, not any of the film or TV versions) grew up and had erotic adventures, many of them while under a paralysing curse.
I'm currently working on Part Seven. Right now I know where the characters are and I know where I need to get them to, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get them there. Usually after struggling with the plot for a while I go off and do other stuff for a month, and this is why each instalment takes so long to complete. I'm really sorry about that, because I want to finish the thing before we all die of old age or boredom.
Speaking of old age, they just launched the New Horizons space probe to Pluto. I'm sure I'll have a few more grey hars by the time it arrives in 2015, but hopefully I'll still be here and so will the ASFR community, along with planet Earth. If not, been nice knowing you.
In spite of the gloom I've managed to get creative again. Picked up a quarter-finished story and ran with it until it was half-finished and then posted that half - don't hold your breath for the second...
...and then started a new story which I don't have much to say about it yet except that I'm quite happy with the way the writing is coming along. I've included some fairly highbrow prose, and I flatter myself that my choice of words is very carefully thought out. Wouldn't know it from reading this, would you?
Meanwhile my male-male serial story Ketrin is still crawling along. For those of you who haven't read it, imagine what would happen if Mowgli (the original naked Mowgli, not any of the film or TV versions) grew up and had erotic adventures, many of them while under a paralysing curse.
I'm currently working on Part Seven. Right now I know where the characters are and I know where I need to get them to, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get them there. Usually after struggling with the plot for a while I go off and do other stuff for a month, and this is why each instalment takes so long to complete. I'm really sorry about that, because I want to finish the thing before we all die of old age or boredom.
Speaking of old age, they just launched the New Horizons space probe to Pluto. I'm sure I'll have a few more grey hars by the time it arrives in 2015, but hopefully I'll still be here and so will the ASFR community, along with planet Earth. If not, been nice knowing you.
Yay! You're back! And I have a treat for you! A tribute to our stalkership!
Saraaagh!, at 10:57 am
Hey, thanks. That's a really nice picture. Manga-style David, hm? I certainly wouldn't mind seeing some more.
Now if only I could attract a few more stalkers to this blog...
Leem, at 1:52 am
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