
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Whoever you vote for the Government gets in

Oh, joy. Another General Election. On 5 April our beloved Prime Minister Tony Blah announced that the Election would take place on 5 May.

Still, say what you will, the British system does have one advantage: the campaigns are nice and short. Apart from some speculative canvassing over the past few months, the electioneering will occupy a period of precisely 4 weeks and 2 days, and then we can get back to our favourite pastime of spending the next five years complaining about whichever party we happen to sweep into power.

Compare and contrast this with the American system, where it seems that the second half of every President's term is spent preparing for the next Election instead of doing something more worthwhile, like looking for a new country to fight a war for freedom in.

Incidentally, I'm reminded of the apocryphal (oh, look it up) story of a Chinese politician who asked his British counterpart if it was true that the British only hold their genital erection every five years.


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