
Monday, April 04, 2005

Is there anybody out there???

Cross-posted from the Pygmalion Syndrome's What's New page...

Put up the new 5th Anniversary logo in preparation for the actual event at the end of May.Well, I call it an event, but from all the feedback I get around here it could well be the non-event of the season, if not the century.

Nobody ever seems to write to me these days. Was it something I said? There’s an e-mail link on on every page. I realise that everybody’s busy and people tend to neglect e-mail. I’ve been guilty of that myself sometimes. All I’m saying is, it would be kinda nice to have a little recognition for half a decade of effort.

Here’s a suggestion. If anyone is actually reading this, please read some of my stories - even just one of them - if you haven’t already done so, and then write and tell me what you think of it. Or view some of the works of art in the site's Art Gallery section and tell me what you think of them. Or write and tell me what you think of my logos, or my page layout, or my fonts, or the weather in your home town. Just to let me know I’m not just pissing in the wind here. Otherwise I may end up celebrating the Anniversary by banging my head against the desk all day. (And no, that will not be webcast. Nor will me pissing in the wind.)


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